The Power of Silly Time and Calm Down Time Before Bed

Embarking on the nightly routine with toddlers can sometimes feel like entering a confusing maze where sleep is the well hidden treasure. However, what if I told you that introducing a playful routine before bedtime could be the key to a more restful night for your little one? Sounds crazy?! Well, on the surface perhaps, but trust me, it might just be the bedtime magic your little one needs!

In this week’s blog we'll explore the concept of silly time and calm down time, an effective duo that forms the cornerstone of a holistic approach to improving your toddler's sleep. 

The Benefits of Silly Time

Rough and tumble before bed might seem counterintuitive, but it can be a game-changer for your toddler's sleep. Silly play with a clear start and finish not only provides sensory input but also acts as a stress reliever. This high-energy activity will allow your little one to release any residual tension and expend the last of their pent-up energy before winding down for the night.

Connection Time

Silly time offers a unique opportunity for you and your toddler to connect. This period of playful interaction becomes a special bonding moment, filling your child's 'love tank' and creating a sense of security.

Stress Reduction

Did you know that toddlers, like adults, experience stress? Silly time acts as a cathartic outlet, helping children let off steam and alleviate any stress or tension they may be carrying.

Energy Release

Rather than suppressing your child's natural exuberance, embrace it. Silly time allows them to release energy in a controlled and enjoyable manner, preventing restlessness during bedtime.

Top Tips for Silly Time

Plan Ahead

Decide on the form of silly play in advance. Whether it's piggyback rides, cushion jumping, or another activity, having a plan sets expectations and ensures a positive experience.

Follow Their Lead

While planning is helpful, do be open to your child's spontaneous ideas during silly time. Allow room for their creativity and go with the flow. It's an opportunity to let their imagination shine.

Establish Boundaries

Clearly define the rules for both you and your child. Sensitivity to your child's comfort level is crucial, especially for activities like tickling games. Communication and consent play a vital role.

Set Time Limits

Think about using a timer to establish a set start and finish time for silly time. This structured approach helps maintain consistency in the bedtime routine.

Encourage Imagination Play

Foster imaginative play during silly time by pretending to be different characters, animals, or even objects. This not only stimulates creativity but also enhances cognitive development.


Bring in extras like hats, scarves, or simple costumes to add an extra layer of silliness. Props can stimulate creativity and make silly time more visually engaging for your toddler.


The goal of silly time is to have fun and share laughter. Engage in activities that tickle their funny bone, whether it's goofy faces, funny sounds, or playful jokes. Laughter is not only enjoyable but also a great stress-reliever.

Calm Down Time

Wrangling tiny whirlwinds into a state of restful slumber might seem like an uphill battle. However, incorporating a deliberate "Calm Down" phase before the bedtime routine could be the secret ingredient for a peaceful night's sleep. Ideally it should last for around 15 to 30 minutes. This deliberate shift from high-energy play to a more serene environment signals to your toddler that it's time to wind down.

Create a calm environment

Calm down time is not just a pause in the busy schedule, it's a strategic manoeuvre to ease the transition from the day's activities to the serene realm of sleep. Start by creating a tranquil haven in your toddler's environment. Tidying away toys, dimming the lights, and reducing sensory stimuli set the stage for a quieter, more relaxed atmosphere.

Top Tips for Quiet Time

Screen-Free Zone

One crucial element of the calm down phase is the elimination of screens. Turn off those electronic devices and create a screen-free zone. The blue light emitted by screens can interfere with the production of melatonin, the sleep-inducing hormone. Instead, opt for activities that encourage relaxation and winding down.

Engage in Quiet Play

Introduce activities that are calming and soothing. Reading a book together, engaging in simple jigsaw puzzles, or playing with quiet toys can help shift the focus from the day's excitement to a more tranquil state of mind. These activities not only foster a sense of calm but also provide an opportunity for connection between you and your toddler.

Utilise Calming Music

Consider incorporating a specific music track during Calm Down Time. The rhythmic and melodic tunes can act as a cue, signalling to your toddler that it's time to wind down. Choose music with a calming tempo, creating a soothing auditory backdrop for the transition into bedtime.

Establishing Predictability

Children thrive on routines, and the calm down phase introduces an element of predictability to the bedtime routine. Knowing that a period of calm precedes the more active bedtime activities helps toddlers understand the flow of the evening, making the overall routine more comforting and less abrupt.

Encourage Mindfulness

Use calm down time as an opportunity to introduce simple mindfulness exercises. Encourage your toddler to take deep breaths or engage in gentle stretches. These activities promote a sense of self-awareness and relaxation, preparing both the body and mind for a peaceful night's sleep.

Incorporating silly time and calm down time into your toddler's bedtime routine can be a transformative journey in the quest for better sleep. These intentional moments of connection, energy release, and peaceful winding down pave the way for a more restful night for both toddlers and parents alike. 

If you’re struggling at bedtime and yearn for a more peaceful night, then I have the perfect solution - a personalised 1:1 with me. 

We can dig deep into the sleep issue and formulate a tailored plan to pave the way for smoother nights for your whole family.

Click here to take your first step.

Catherine Wasley

Catherine is a holistic sleep coach specialising in supporting parents with children under the age of 5 years.

With her wealth of experience and knowledge gained over 30 years working in the early years sector, as well as being a mum to four children, she gives simple straightforward practical advice aligned to parents’ values. She supports parents in gaining knowledge, confidence and the belief to trust their own instincts.

She is a strong advocate of challenging gender stereotypes during the early years to ensure that all children have the same opportunities to reach their full potential.

She is a keen runner, coffee addict and croissant connoisseur.

She lives in Gloucestershire with her husband, four children and their dog, Beau.


Creating Your Toddler’s Perfect Bedtime Routine


Nurturing Connection and Quality Time: The Path to Better Sleep for Your Little One