How to gently change the way you settle your baby or toddler to sleep

Are you a parent who has been relying on a particular method to help your baby or toddler fall asleep?

Perhaps it's rocking, feeding, or some other comforting routine that has worked well for a while, but now you're beginning to feel that it's becoming unsustainable or causing some challenges.

If so, you’ll be very glad (and probably relieved!) to learn that there is a  gentle approach you can consider to transition to a new way of settling your little one to sleep.

Gentle Behavior Modification or Habit Stacking : A Gradual Approach to Better Sleep

This technique is designed to help your child associate multiple sleep triggers with their favourite one, thereby diluting the dependence on this primary sleep trigger. It allows for a slow and gradual weaning off a particular sleep aid, giving you the flexibility to make changes at both your pace and your little one’s. 

When to use habit stacking? A Gentle Sleep Change

If your current sleep routine is becoming unsustainable, habit stacking is a gentle approach worth considering. This method acknowledges that your existing habits aren’t ‘bad’ but may need adjustments.

One of the key benefits of this approach is that it doesn't impose a strict timeline for withdrawing sleep support or night feeds. You have the freedom to decide when and how you want to transition your child to a new way of falling asleep. This flexibility can be especially helpful for parents who want to make changes but aren't quite ready to completely eliminate their child's existing sleep cues.

Why Habit Stacking Works

This technique can be used proactively from birth, introducing multiple sleep cues to make your child adaptable and less dependent on a single cue.

It encourages parents to introduce multiple sleep cues to their child, gradually reducing their dependence on a single cue. This approach allows parents to make changes at their little one’s pace, ensuring a smooth transition to a more sustainable sleep routine.

It’s beneficial when you want to reduce night feeds without eliminating them entirely, especially for younger babies, or when your child experiences frequent night waking, and you aim to improve their sleep patterns. It's important to note that night feeds are normal and common for children until at least 1 year of age.

How Habit Stacking Works

Rather than abruptly discontinuing a familiar sleep routine, habit stacking involves adding new comforting behaviours to the existing one. For example, if you're wanting to transition from feeding to patting your child to sleep, you can gradually incorporate patting while maintaining the feeding. Additional soothing elements, such as shushing, bouncing, essential oils, or calming songs, can also be introduced.

Changing habits takes time, so be prepared to spend a few weeks gradually stacking these new habits onto the existing routine. Be patient with the process, and remember that it's okay to go at your little one’s pace, however slow it may feel!

Transitioning Gradually

When you feel ready, you can start phasing out the parenting behaviour that has become challenging or unsustainable while retaining the comforting habits. Expect that it may take a bit longer to settle your child initially, but you can adjust the transition speed to suit your child's needs and your comfort level.

When It May Not Be the Answer

While habit stacking offers numerous benefits, it may not be suitable for parents who require immediate relief from sleep challenges.  There is no guarantee of immediate improvement, and some children may continue to wake at night during the transition.It requires patience and time, which may not be ideal for those desperate for quick results or are in a crisis moment.

It is my hope that this blog has illuminated the fact that transitioning to a new method of settling your baby or toddler to sleep can be both a gentle and a highly effective process. This approach empowers parents to make changes with kindness and understanding, fostering a sense of comfort and security for their child. 

If you are struggling with a sleep problem please don’t face the challenge alone. Do reach out for help.

Holistic sleep coaching can offer the support and guidance you need to create a more sustainable and peaceful sleep routine for your little one. 

Better nights and a well-rested family is within your reach.

Simply click here, and we can set up a FREE, no-obligation chat to explore how I can help you and your little one get the sleep you deserve.

Catherine Wasley

Catherine is a holistic sleep coach specialising in supporting parents with children under the age of 5 years.

With her wealth of experience and knowledge gained over 30 years working in the early years sector, as well as being a mum to four children, she gives simple straightforward practical advice aligned to parents’ values. She supports parents in gaining knowledge, confidence and the belief to trust their own instincts.

She is a strong advocate of challenging gender stereotypes during the early years to ensure that all children have the same opportunities to reach their full potential.

She is a keen runner, coffee addict and croissant connoisseur.

She lives in Gloucestershire with her husband, four children and their dog, Beau.


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