New year, New sleep goals for your child? Expert tips for better family sleep
The New Year is a season of fresh starts and ambitious goals. It’s a time when many of us resolve to improve various aspects of our lives—health, career, relationships. And for parents, sleep often becomes a key focus. But is the start of a brand-new year the best time to embark on a new sleep journey?
Is now the right time to set new sleep goals for your child?
The answer isn’t straightforward—it’s both yes and no!
Yes, the start of the year can feel energizing. The mindset of “new beginnings” can give us the boost we need to tackle challenges and create positive habits. However, when it comes to sleep, timing is everything - not just for us, but for our little ones. A shift in routine might clash with developmental leaps, illness, or lingering holiday overstimulation. Rushing into change because of societal or self-imposed pressure can sometimes backfire, leaving us feeling less confident and more overwhelmed.
Why sleep transformations work best when aligned with your family’s readiness
That’s why it’s essential to assess whether now is the right time for your family. The calendar may say it’s time for resolutions, but sleep transformations work best when they align with your child’s readiness and your own capacity to guide the process.
Key questions to consider before making sleep changes
So, how do you know if it’s the right moment to set new sleep goals? And if it’s not, how can you prepare for when it is?
The first step is to take a pause and reflect on where you and your little one are right now. If sleep has taken a hit over the Christmas break (and let’s be honest, it probably has), give it some time to settle first. Allow at least a week or two for circadian rhythms, emotions, and daily routines to get back on track. A little stability can make a world of difference and provide a clearer picture of what really needs adjusting.
Is your baby experiencing developmental changes or illness?
Is your baby going through a period of teething, illness, or a developmental leap? These natural phases can temporarily disrupt sleep, and trying to make big changes during this time could set you up for frustration. Wait for these phases to pass before introducing new goals.
Is your baby developmentally ready for sleep changes?
Is your baby developmentally ready? For example, expecting your 6-month-old to sleep through the night consistently can be an unrealistic expectation. Understanding what’s typical for your baby’s age can help you set achievable goals.
Can you realistically commit to sleep changes right now?
Is the change you want to make realistic? Consider whether the goal aligns with your current family situation. Are there other significant changes happening right now, like a transition to a new childcare setting or the arrival of a new baby imminent? Be honest with yourself - can you realistically commit to the change without adding unnecessary stress to an already full plate?
Do you have the energy to stay consistent?
And just as importantly, are you ready? Do you have the energy and emotional bandwidth to stay consistent through the adjustment period? If you’re running on empty, this probably isn’t the best time to tackle sleep.
The right time to start isn’t about the calendar
Taking these factors into account can help you decide if now is the right time or if it’s better to wait. The right time to start isn’t dictated by the calendar but by the readiness of your child and your unique circumstances. Waiting for the right moment doesn’t mean you’re procrastinating or failing—it means you’re looking at the whole picture. It means you’re setting your family up for success.
Small steps towards sustainable sleep changes
That said, if you’re feeling inspired by the New Year and your little one seems ready, then go for it! Harness that motivation to make changes that feel sustainable. But keep in mind that sleep adjustments don’t mean a complete overhaul overnight. Small steps - like adjusting bedtime by 15 minutes or introducing a new wind-down routine - are the way to go. All those small wins add up to make the bigger change.
If now doesn’t feel like the right time, that’s okay
And if now doesn’t feel like the right time? That’s okay. Use this period to reflect on the changes you'd like to make to your little one’s sleep. What’s even more important is understanding why you want to make these changes. Sure, the obvious answer might be that you crave consistent downtime in the evenings or, simply put, more sleep—and I totally get that! But it's essential to dig deeper and consider the bigger picture. Why do you want this change? What will it bring for you and your family? Understanding your motivations can help you approach sleep changes with more clarity and intention when the time is right.
The bigger picture: parental fatigue and its impact on sleep
When you're caring for a baby, it’s natural to think that all your exhaustion comes down to those night wakings. And while they certainly play a big role, the truth is parental fatigue isn’t only about your little one’s sleep, or rather lack of! Stress, health, the never-ending to-do list—these all impact how rested (or not) we feel. Sometimes, our own habits keep us stuck in the cycle of exhaustion.
Small changes to feel more grounded before tackling sleep
That’s why I suggest starting by looking at what’s in your control. Tackling your baby’s sleep can feel like an overwhelming first step if you’re already running on empty. Instead, focus on small changes that can help you feel more grounded and supported right now.
Practical tips for managing parental exhaustion
Consider the following:
Aligning your bedtime with your baby’s for a little more rest.
Asking for extra support from someone in your life.
Carving out time for yourself—whether it’s a walk, coffee, or a quiet moment alone.
Leaning into the phase you’re in and reminding yourself that it’s temporary can make a world of difference. Sometimes, these smaller, more immediate shifts in mindset and habits lay the groundwork for making bigger changes when the time feels right.
Trust your instincts: the key to successful sleep changes
Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to sleep, and no rule that says sleep goals must start in January. What matters most is that you choose a time that feels right for your family.
The key is to trust your instincts as a parent. You know your child better than anyone else, and you’ll know when the moment feels right. Whether that’s today, next month, or even later in the year, the important thing is to move forward with confidence and patience.
Sleep is an ongoing journey
Sleep is a marathon, not a sprint, and in all honesty, there isn't a definitive finish line. Sleep is an ongoing journey throughout our whole lives, with each phase bringing new challenges and milestones. And like all good journeys, it’s best taken one step at a time.
If now feels like the right time for your family to make sleep changes, I’m here to support you every step of the way.
Here are a few ways I can help:
Let’s work together to create sustainable, gentle sleep solutions that work for YOUR family.